Top Ten Books With Characters Who Would Win A Fight

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a blog meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's prompt is pretty open: Top Ten Books Which Features Characters Who _____. Normally I would spend a long time thinking about topics but this week I knew exactly what I wanted to write about. Recently, I've seen a lot of posts on the internet with "should you fight this actor/singer/whatever" and then guesses the likelihood of you winning against that famous person. Well, these book characters are the ones that you would never want to face. If you met them in a dark alley and pissed them off, you might want to start writing your will. It would be a K.O. from the get-go! These characters are lean mean fighting machines that you would not want to get in the way of. So should you fight these characters? I would say no way.

1. Penryn from Penryn and the End of Days trilogy
Of course Penryn would win a fight. She was trained in martial arts for her own protection while she was growing up. She isn't afraid to do whatever it takes, especially for someone she cares about. Plus she has a badass angel sword. Not a chance in heaven, hell, or a post-angel-destroyed earth.

2. Sevro from Red Rising trilogy
You wouldn't even stand a chance. He may look weak, but while you are underestimating him, he will already have ended you. He only has one eye and spent a lot of time covered in a wolf pelt, and he could still stealthily beat you.

3. Rose from Vampire Academy
Rose is a bodyguard for a vampire princess. Just take a second to imagine how skilled you have to be to take on whatever wants to hurt a vampire, a supernatural creature that sucks people's blood. Yeah, it's a little daunting to imagine that level of skill. So I would bet all my money on her winning a fight.

4. Elias from An Ember in the Ashes
Masks are the best of the best in the crazy militaristic Martial Empire, and Elias in the best mask. Sure he has a heart and a conscious, but that doesn't mean he couldn't take you down as easily as kicking a pile of sand. The guy is a badass!

5. Johanna from The Hunger Games trilogy
You would not want to be facing off in the arena with Johanna. She is cunning and sly and has insane fighting abilities, especially with axes. She goes through so much as prisoner in the capital that a little fight would be a cakewalk to her. Win against Johanna? In your dreams.

6. Darrow from Red Rising trilogy
Darrow can beat you as a Red and as a Gold. As a Red, he was a helldiver of Lykos. (He repeats it about 60 times just in case you missed the first 59). Not only is he quick and agile but he is incredibly smart and calculating. As a Red, you are knocked out. As a Gold, he is designed to be superior in every physical way possible to normal humans. He was strong enough to survive being broken and modified back together and cunning enough to infiltrate the top ranks in a corrupt hierarchy. As a Gold, of course he would win.

7. Chiyoko from Endgame: The Calling
Honestly, pretty much everyone from this book is crazy scary at fighting, but Chiyoko takes the cake. Training every single moment of her life with the possibility of the Endgame happening, she is a calculating and cold blooded force to be reckoned with. She is mute and uses her silence to her advantage by using stealth to take people down. You wouldn't even see it coming until it was too late.

8. Mare from Red Queen
In both her world and our world, she could beat you easily. She has a whole system of oppression to be angry about and is the only known person (red or silver) to use electrokinesis! Controlling electricity is crazy. She could take the electricity from the very computer that I am typing on, and wow she could probably even use electrical synapses between cells to control your body like Avatar's blood bending. Well great, just freaked myself out a little bit. Don't fight her because I'm a bit scared about what she could do!

9. Natasha Romanoff from Marvel's Black Widow
Pretty sure she could take you down for even considering it. Her past is not the prettiest or happiest. She grew up as an assassin and worked for the KGB before coming over to SHIELD. She's intelligent and deadly. It's not even a contest. She would win, and it won't be pretty.

10. Harry from Harry Potter series
Have you taken down a crazy dark wizard who wanted to take over the world? No? Well he did. Oh and he took down a basilisk and a dragon when he was 12 and 14. I could barely figure out algebra let alone save the world when I was that age. So yeah Harry Potter could take you down easily. But then again, the guy has been through enough and doesn't need another fight.

Do you think these characters could win a fight? Or maybe even who do you think could beat them? What topic did your TTT focus on?

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  1. Hi Steph, great post! I haven't read a lot of the books on your list but I totally agree with Romanoff and Potter ;) hehe
    Amy x

    1. Thank you, Amy! I'm glad you agree with those two. Natasha and Harry are such awesome badass characters!

  2. Haha, this is a great list! I was very pleased to see Johanna make an appearance; I love her, but she could definitely beat me to a pulp.

    1. Thanks! Yeah Johanna is probably my favorite character in The Hunger Games and a lot of people forget about her, which should be impossible because she is so cool! Haha yup definitely wouldn't want to mess with her.

  3. I'd definitely lose in a fight to all of these characters. 'Course, I'd probably lose to just about anyone! Still, fun topic :)

    Considering the color of your hair and the name of your blog, you're going to love how I chose to fill in the blank for this week's list ...

    Happy TTT!

    1. Haha same! I'm a reader, not a fighter!
      Also I totally loved your TTT idea. I get so excited when I see redheaded characters in books!

  4. Oh, I love your twist on the prompt - great topic!

    I do find SOOOO many YA books have super strong, deadly characters. (By contrast, I'm weak and fuzzy). I'd be intimidated by most book characters, but yeah, your list is basically the ELITE. When I am queen, they may be in my royal guard!

    Thank you for visiting my blog, Steph!

    Beth x

    1. Thanks! Smart idea! Why fight these characters when you can just get them to fight for you? That is some creative thinking!

  5. What a fun topic! I love Penryn, but I would definitely not want to face her in a fight. Nice choices for this week.

    1. Thank you! Penryn is absolutely amazing, and yeah I probably would rather have her on my side during a fight. Probably fighting instead of me actually. Not all of us can be that skilled!

  6. What a fun spin on this week's topic! I ADORE Penryn and like that her combat skills are realistic (she's had training, she's not an average girl who picks up a weapon and turns into a soldier haha). Thanks for stopping by my list this week!

    -Cristina @ Girl in the Pages

    1. Thanks! I had a lot of fun with it. Same, I really love Penryn. I just finished the first two books, and I am just in awe of her. I totally agree about her combat skills. My favorite part was that her fighting was so much more realistic than most books. It's clear that she has trained a lot and uses fighting techniques that are specifically used by women. I just love it!

  7. I am so glad I don't have to go against any of these characters!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Haha yeah me too! I would prefer to be on their good side. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I definitely wouldn't want to fight against Johanna! Yikes! Great topic/list!

    1. Yikes indeed! That girl is insanely intense. Thanks!

  9. Great topic! Another character who could take you down would have to be Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass.

    Check out my TTT.

    1. I totally agree. From what I have heard Celaena would be a good fit for this list! But as much as it pains me, I haven't had the chance to read Throne of Glass yet. I want to read it and I even own it, but just so many books and so little time :( One day though!

  10. Ahh I LOVE YOUR PICKS. Particularly Natasha. OMG. SO MUCH AWESOME. And yes yes I'm particularly flailing that you mentioned Darrow and Sevro. I have a lot of love for Sevro.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Thanks! I had a lot to fun picking them! Natasha is awesome! I'm really excited/nervous to see her in Age of Ultron tomorrow. Also yes of course I have to mention Sevro! He is one of my favorite characters from Red Rising. Who wouldn't love that snarky ferocious loyal goblin?

  11. Great idea for this topic and a fantastic list too. Got to love Harry!
